Some of you know a bit about my family's history. For years my parents' marriage really hasn't been one. They spent the last year and a half separated and are now going to be getting a divorce. The fact that they are getting divorce is perfectly fine with me. My mom has spent over 30 years taking care of everyone besides herself, and now I am so happy to finally say she is starting to take care of herself first. Those of you that really know my dad or what my family has been through understand that in a lot of ways it would be really easy to just not have my dad in my life anymore. However, no matter how hurt I am by what he has done, I do still care about him. He has struggled with addictions and mental illnesses my entire life, and those have done more harm to me than people know. I don't know how I will deal with everything that is in the near future, but I hope that I can find it within myself to find room in my heart and life to still let my dad be a part of my family in some way. I don't usually ask people to do much for me, but if you could all please keep me and my family in your prayers and hearts for a little while I know it will help. I have always struggled with forgiving and the closer it is to me the harder it is. Thank you and God bless.